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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:46 pm

*turning my head back to watch them*< heh they sure are cute>"Your right Conner I'm the buying your collar so you're my puppy ."*said teasingly*"oh seem like someone interested in us."*a little ninja fox magik* "hello what you watching ?, us it seems we were introduced before but in-case you'd forgotten I'm Xueyun Jun and i know who you are Takeshi but who might you be?"*angling my head up with a sparkle in my eyes*he stands up straighter smiles kindly blushing slightly* I'm Terrance it's nice to meet you. "hm yes a pleasure*I purr* since you both seem to like watch new friends interact why don't you join us for lunch hmm it should prove entertaining.And we could all get to know each other better maybe clear up some misunderstands *looks slyly at Takeshi*

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 05, 2014 10:59 pm

"Ha, as if we'd--" Terrance cut Takeshi off immediately.

"That would be awesome! Xueyun, was it?"

"That girls rather scary..." Conner said from beside Sora, who had a perplexed look on her face.

"I agree with you on that puppy..."

"I ain't yer dog!" Conner snapped again, but shut his mouth when they approached; suddenly he had a malicious idea. "But I could be..." He smirked as he tilted Sora's face upwards leaning in rather close.

"What exactly do you think your doing with my little sister you canine freak?!" Takeshi said after he sent Conner stumbling backwards from a blow to the face; Sora hissed in agitation.

"What ever I do and whoever I do it with are none of your concern brother! Kindly see yourself out of my affairs!" With that she grabbed Conner's hand and glared defiently at her brother, Conner on the other hand blushed slightly.

"Geez, no need to get yer panties in a bunch brother. Afterall, if you get her pissed off I'm gonna have to go wolf on your ass." Conner's expression was smug at the face Takeshi was giving them.

"I'm not your brother!"

"Heh, not yet anyways. Right Babe?" He made a show of pulling Sora close before winking at her brother.

"Weren't we supposed to be coming up with a faction name?" Sora muttered.
Ronan Lynch
Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:30 pm

*snorting*" Yes and we were also supposed to get lunch too, oh and puppy don't make me rush in buying your shock collar online I could have it delivered within the hour. Takeshi-kun don't antagonize our new puppy your punishment won't be for behind his if you dare to continue."*i trill cutely. but smirk with evil intentions. hooking my arm through Terrance's sweetly.*"Shall we"*giggles,looking again at the rest in warning.*"You know I was thinking sushi or a tasty cold cut with coffee what do you think Terrance?"I was thinking a rare steak taken (aback by such forward advances but still smitten with Xueyun charming eyes)"That sounds great Conner I bet you'll like that what about you Sora what would you like for lunch maybe Takeshi can recommend something."

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:40 pm

"Takeshi can go eat lunch by himself for a I care..." Conner muttered.

"I concur Puppy." Sora hissed under her breath; she didn't really like the idea of Xueyun taking charge of Conner. Though she wasn't entirely sure why; perhaps the answer would come to her in time.

"What's with you following her wound Terrance? Five minutes ago you didn't care about her..." Takeshi snapped.

"Just leave it brother..." Sora said following Xueyun and Terrance, with Conner trailing close behind content on the view the dress Sora wore gave him. At least she was decent to look at;

"Well, at least she has a nice body...." He muttered to himself; giving up Takeshi sighed in frustration before giveing up and following the group to the lunch room.
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Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:12 am

*in the lunch room plates in front of each member of are little party I randomly say*"MundusExercitus. "(Sora looks over at me form her cup )Xue what would that refer to ?(Conner also looks over)yeah what that suppose to mean?"Did you both not ask me to come up with a name for our new faction.That would be it ,it's latin for world army do you not find it amusing?"(Terrance joins the conversation after a large bit of steak)You guys are starting a new faction?"Yes would you like to be apart of it?(looks over at Takeshi menacing glare)uhm I'll have to think about.*noticing Takeshi hostility i tease* "Takeshi-kun what's wrong you don't look so well maybe you need to use the restroom."*batting my eyelashes sweetly*"Or is it your upset I hadn't invited you first to are new party?"

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Post by Ronan Lynch Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:22 am

"Terrance we're leaving...And Sora Be careful around this girl. She's manipulative." With that he dragged Terrance away.

"My brother aside, I think it's a good name."

"Yeah, if you say so." Conner muttered; as much as he hated to admit it Takeshi was right. This girl was dangerous, abnormally so.

"Then it's decided. From today onwards we shall be know as the Mundus Exercitus Faction." Sora said smiling, not that she cared but she would keep and eye on Xueyun; just in case.
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Post by ashfox Mon Jan 06, 2014 7:25 pm

pouting "He didn't have to take Terrance with him or be so blunt about his opinion of me."Sora and Conner look at me with complete shock after the other two had departed stare back at them I said ." What!"

Conner exclaims."Your kind of crazy."

"I don't know weather to take that as a compliment....?" I reply

" I do not believe it was ment to compliment you Xue." states Sora

"Is that bad."more genuinely sad.

"Any one who can get under dirtbag Takeshi skin is a friends of mine." Conner chuckles.

"Yes it was quite amusing to see him so upset." Sora muses.

"I should have a present for the both of you by the end of the week so look forward to it.Oh and I'm glad you guys like me." I smiled to myself in contentment.

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Post by Ronan Lynch Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:45 pm

"I see, well then I bid thee farewell. Puppy I require an escort home."

"Alright, alright. Just stop calling me Puppy..." Conner snapped sighing in frustration as he stood up offering her a hand. Sora took it expecting him to let go afterward, however the malicious look was back on his face. "Nah uh, we have to hold hands Babe."

"Release me this instant! I said release me beast!" Sora hissed as she was dragged away by a laughing Conner.

"Relax...I'm only doing this cause your brother is watching us." Sora looked up at his shocked.

"I don't particularly like your brother...or the way he treats you. So consider your escort a bonus for me, in multiple ways."

"I do not understand."

"Look, you use the net right? Under the user name Dante right? Well...I'm CerebusBlaze..." Sora's eye's widened as a blush bloomed on her face, he was her best friend online. "I--I um--I figured it was you after you called Takeshi brother...since you told me and all about how he went to my school and he was a prick..."

"I-I see..." She'd never actually expected to meet him in real life but, she certainly wasn't complaining.
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Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:20 pm

"I guess that's a due."<And I ended up alone again i think i should just find my way to student living and settle in.>

I walked along the wet concrete admiring the old cottage style buildings, floor 2 apartment 2 that the numbers they gave me but what that suppose to mean ugh.
Oh there it is floor two but where is the entrance,I jogged around to the right side of the building it opened up to a beautiful shopping district it took my breathe away just looking at all the history wrapped up together, the glass doors to the lobby was open to it I almost floated with glee. I entered the dorm and quickly made my way though the halls to my room.

"My god this is amazing!"

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:32 pm

"So, your not staying in the dorms?" Conner sounded disappointed, but Sora ignored it.

"I do not understand why you are upset, now that we attend the same school we will talk to and see one another quite often. Why must I also live within five minutes of you as well? Is not ten minute short enough of a time?"

"Well yeah but...doesn't Takeshi live closer to you?" Sora made a face, but nodded. "Then can't you just stay in the dorms?"

"This is becoming irrelevant, I have responsibilities that I cannot ignore merely because you find my distance from you annoying. " Conner growled, Sora had a way of slapping people without actually touching them.

"Fine, but we'll continue this conversation tonight..."

"I suspected as much, I shall await your logging on. Many thanks for your escort home puppy."

"I ain't yer dog..."

"Hmm...I wonder." With that she ascended the stone steps to the four floor home that Conner wished he could see the inside of.

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Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:00 am

Looking around the room its great the size the set up, a circular day bed inthe corner along the bay windows in the northwest area up agaisnt the south wall a very modern desk there are two doors one leading out on the east wall next to it on the northeastwallis the door to a private bathroom and in between the bath and bed is a dresser.In the center of my new room boxes of my things unceramoniously placed on top of each other.<I guess I should unpack and get to bed we'll be starting school tomarrow nii-san really wanted to acompany me all of them did actually I should probly call them I said I would> Taking my cell out of my pocket I swipe my screne and speed dial home.

Fangda picks up."what took you so long to call?!"

" Well I doing some thing called making friends and it does take quite a bit of time nii-san."

"Don't hang up I'm going to get your other brothers." fangda says axiously " Leon,Sasha, Xueyun finally called come here.

"Did you really have to call them nii-san I wont get any thing done talking to all three of you. I still need to unpack ."

"That's ok we'll com by tomarrow and help you..."he starts

"No it's fine."

"Don't be riduclious we'll help you."Sasha seems to have taken the phone.In the back round hey Sasha give that back... no wait... Leon don't take it...

Yelling to be heard thourgh the phone "Why don't you just put on the loud speacker you idiots!"

again through the cell "Heyy.. just press the botton... stop that..." in choures" sorry ."

"Its fine can you all hear me?"And it goes on like that till morning talking to my brother about my day and them to me about their's.

I wake up completely exhuasted and almost late for school it a mad scrabble to get dressed n' eat breaskfast.<oh I'm so gonna be late.


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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:36 am

Arguing with Conner was never a pleasant thing, he had a tendency to make want to shoot yourself to escape his ranting. Sora knew that after ignoring him for a while she was going to hear about it in school, she breifly entertakned the though of skipping but had no such luck. Nearly an hour before the first classes were to begin Conner knocked on her front door looking pissed off beyond relief. Sighing Sora opened the door expecting to get a verbal assult from him of sorts, she hardly expected him to slap her.


"What's wrong with you?! Do you have any idea hiw worried I was?" He must have been refering to her forgeting to log off.

"That hardly warrents a slap in the face now does it?" Sora snapped coldly.

"I even came over last night! You didn't open the door at all!" Conner looked livid and worried all in one.

"Since when must I inform you of my comings and goings out of my home? If you must know, Takeshi requested that I have dinner with him." Conner didn't look particularly convinced, she wasn't lying completely. Takeshi had insisted that she come over for dinner, but she'd been confronted by another faction on her way there. She was suddenly glad that none of her bruises were visible at the moment.

"Nice try, I went to his house as well. He said you never showed up, so what exactly happened?" Sora snarled angrily wrapping her slender fingers around his throat tightening mercilessly.

"I believe I stated this before you half witted comings and goings are of no conciquence to you! I am neither a child nor your woman, so I suggest that if you wish to continue to breath you'd wipe that foolish idea from your stale brain!" Sora shoved him away from her and sneered as he stumbled backwards coughing, without waiting to see if he was okay she stalked past him and out the door. School wasn't going to be pleasant for either of them.
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Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:22 pm

Running with toast half out of my mouth weaving and dogding slower student I'm but a blur in their prorferial vision. A few second to the bell and I barely make it through the gate.<oowff ugh I'm dying I hate running>Composing myself I walk to the school building and to my annoyance is my brothers standing in front of the door look at us you wouldn't think us related at all Fangda is the tallest and the oldest with red hair lean body and totally cool style that is completely oppisite to his doting personality. Leon the second oldest his chestnut brown hair he 's just as tall fangda but look more like handsome gangster that could easily hold his own in a fightbut more like a house wife.Sasha is the youngest of my older brothers he bleches his hair white-blonde and is shorter than the other two with a deco deco style he really cute but if you tell him to his face would probly rip a limb off.
Sasha spots me first tell s Leon and Fangda they all start waving frantically I hide my face in my hands and walk up to the door where they were waiting and under my breathe

"what are you guy doing here please tell it's just pictures then you're leaving ?"

"Xueyun you look so cute I wish I could just take you to work with me."Fang gushes "But I just came to drop off Leon and Sasha I still have work but Ill come have lunch with you all during my breakthe clinic isn't too far from here."

"And what do you to need to be here for you're just going to attract attention to yourself as well as fangirls please go home."

"No can do." Sasha and Leon say together." We're going to be with you all day we want to me these poeple you talked about."Leon goes on

"Do you have to I don't need you guys to babysit me at school."

Look at the set in all their green and red eyes I knew they weren't going to leave.

"Alright but please don't embrass me."

Sasha luagh"yeah right little sis."

Waving goodbye to fangda the three of us enter school. and head for my first class.
<I wonder if I share any class with Sora And Conner?>

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 4:35 pm

"Ah, Xue." Sora waved her over, looking forcefully cheerful. Conner looked even more pissed off then he usually did.

"Heh, the scary girl brought bidy guards?" Conner sneered, but there was no malice behind it today. He seemed to be sulking.

"Who mught these handsome young men be?" Sora asked shifting her weight and wincing in the process, it was going to be a hell of a painfilled day. "I do apologize for leaving suddenly yesterday there was something I had to see to. Sora gave a half hearted smile wincing again, "My name is Sora Eldric, and this....mongrel behind me is Conner Jamieson"

(now would be a good time to mention her famous author parents in dialouge.)
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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:03 pm

Signing inwardly "Conner they are not my body guards they are my brothers"
absintly referring next to me

"Leon ,Sasha and if you make that mistake again then... what happened to your neck and Sora why are you standing so akwardly what happened to the two of you.

Studying them closly they both seem to be hiding something instinct told me somethings up.

"You know never mind tell me if you want I not going to pry."

"Are these the kids you were talking about?"already Leon come on.

"Yes, this is Sora and the sulking puppy behind her is Conner.Their the new accquiences I made yesterday say hello."

smiling handsomely and with great fluish bowing "Hello Miss.Eldric it's a pleasure to meet you my dear."Leon host side is coming out.

"Hi your outfits really cute but you ever think about wearing more red it'd look good on you.Sasha the stylist that he is just never stops.

They both ignor Conner they have no interest in rude boys.

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:30 pm

"Ah, hello. ..pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm quite relieved to know that gentlemen are still present in this day and age." With this she sent a whithering glare to Conner who flintched guiltily.

"...t's not my fault..." He muttered softly, Suddenly a malicious idea formed in Sora's head causing here to grin.

"Sasha, could I trouble you for a short moment?" She asked while pushing him and dragging Xue away from the Conner and Leon.

"Hey, where are ya--" The look on Sora's face shut him up quickly, she practically dared him to follow while warning him not to.
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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:39 pm

"What it Sora?" Giving Conner a questioning look."Leon keep him company..." I call,"Leon looks a little pissed to be left with Conner.Did you get into another fight with Conner?"

"It sure does look like it doesn't Xueyun, what do you want to speak with us about Miss.Eldric?"


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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:49 pm

"Trivial, I assure you. However, I do have a an activity that will perhaps make him be shall I put it? Obedient? Or perhaps just to, how is it said? Piss him off?" A michevious gleam lite up her red eyes, that were usually very dull. "However I do require your asistance Sasha, as it would be difficult to do without a male companion. Are you both up to the task?"

Conner didn't like the idea of being left with Leon very much, and he could assume that the feeling was mutual. But to his anger and dismay he watched as Sora called Leon over to there little circle and found himself unable to move.

"I do suppose my reasoning behind this little scheme does require a bit a reason does it not? Well I'd like to get back at that...that mongrel for slapping me this morning. Merely because he couldn't get in contact with me...which only happened because of an opposing faction attack on myself." She lifted her sleeve, to show one of the numerous bruises that littlered her body. "Also, I may or may no have strangled him in my anger of this....but no matter. I wish to teach him a lesson."
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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:05 pm

"My dear I don't think this is the best idea..."leon starts

"Sounds like fun what do you need me to do."sasha say jovially.

"So others have started already this take things to another level ." i mutter " Do think they'll try anything outright?"
"Oh and I understand your upset with puppy but are you really gonna go and break his little heart over a misunderstanding,did you not tell him you were attack I bet you didn't .I don't mean to patrinize but ..."

"Sis shutup your talking too much so tell what is it you need?"

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:17 pm

"Well, my dear friends its nothing to put it, mean? I merely intend to let him know, that just because we have know each other for a while that he has the right to treat me like a child or his woman." She reassured them, though somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew he was only trying to look out for her. "At any rate, I merely need you to pretend to show intrest in me. We'd have to make it rather convincing, but nothing entirely overboard should be warrented. Also, I think you should act angry with him so he does not catch on to this, that shouldn't be overly hard to do."

"Oi, lemme out of this freaking trap you goth loli!" Conner shouted, but was ignored.

"We should be careful though...Other factions have taken notice of us. As much as it is fun to mess with Conner, we must put our safety first. If this puts us into danger then the ruse is off." The brightness in her eyes died suddenly as if it was never there. "I don't intend to put anyone in harms way....not this time." Almost as quickly the light returned, "Now, shall we set this plan into motion?

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Ronan Lynch

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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:28 pm

"With pleasure brother should we escort two lovely ladies to class ,my arm miss."Sora takes it.
reluctantly Leon and I mimic them walking in pair toward puppy he didn't seem pleased at all.

"Miss.eldric may i call you Sora I believe you and I will get along swimmingly so will you join us my brothers and Xue for lunch.And possibly after school Icould take you out shopping?"

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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:37 pm

"You wouldn't be asking me out on a date now would you Sasha?" Sora's face was calm, but held a hint of a smile. Sasha wasn't nearly as bad as some people must believe, he was rather charming as well.

"Oi. What's with this? Your not seriously going to go out with him are you?" Conner's expression was dark and threatening.

"Why ever not? I thought I had made myself clear earlier, my comings and goings are of no concern to you. Now if you'd excuse us, let us be off." Sora allowed Sasha to lead her in whichever direction he deemed fit, after a moments thought she released Conner from his bindings.
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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:50 pm

"If that suits your fancy Miss.Sora we could call it that,mogrel don't interupt our conversion it's rude."was Sasha's irrate response.

"Don't take it to heart my brother has taken become smitten with Sora ,Conner are you in our same class this morning or are you going to another may be we can talk about what happened between the two of you and I can help fix it."Leon and I lagged behind to tell him.

conner glared at us snarled and stalked thy other way.

"I guess he doesn't want to talk about it." Leon conforts


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Post by Ronan Lynch Sun Jan 12, 2014 7:00 pm

"Like hell!" Conner stormed through the halls blindly, pissed off beyond anything else he'd ever felt. How dare he hold on to her like that? If she was doing this to piss him off she was doing a good job of it. He knew it was childish to think that no one else would notice her but...he wanted to be the only one she looked at.

".....I hardly think that was proper behaviour for a grown man." She laughed, her eyes lighting up like rubies. "Give him a bit, and he shall most definitely come to you for advice." With that, they were pleasantly informed that they'd all be within the same classes based on there entrance exams. Shortly before class was to begin Conner slinked into a seat right behind Sasha and Sora, he glared at Sasha quietly the entire class. During morning break Conner sat down next to Xue and Leon while Sora and Sasha, chatted away.

"...............she hates me." He muttered watching Sora half smile at whatever Sasha said.
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Post by ashfox Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:11 pm

"She doesn't hate you Conner she's just seems a little peeved and my brother's very charm bet he just swept her off her feet and she went along willingly if not i do believe he would have a black eye right about now,give it time and maybe yuo could be alittle less standoffish."I said try to confort him.

<I wonder how many classes 'til lunch I could look for Terrance,or maybe I'll have a class with him I couldn't catch up with him yesterday to release him I really need to stop that bad habit.> "leon you can tell him right he's not hated."

"Your rude not hated if any creature tried to treate me as a possion it want to get back at him for sure."Leon hints.

Conner still look abit sulky "Hey how about we get a snack you guys wait at the door I'll see if Sasha and Sora wants some too."I say.

"Sora,Sasha you guys want a snack we're headed to the machine.'" i ask

"Hey yeah oolong tea for me how about a lemonade for you Sora.So how it working?"Sasha asks

"He feels hated I think you should make up with him soon Sora,okay so you want anything else."

"No I think we're good."grinning says sasha

Turning to join the boys these two are amusing but not when they're like this.

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